Campbell Tree Experts Inc. is proud to be a division of Bartlett Tree Experts, and our staff now has the backing of an international tree care company and research laboratory to help continue providing excellent tree service throughout the Ottawa, Ontario area. View a complete list of professional tree services offered by Bartlett.

“Thank you very much for the amazing service! From the friendly people answering the phone, to the length of time until the appointment, to the fantastic job itself, to the reasonable price, we were completely blown away. Even our neighbors are impressed! Campbell’s is a top-notch company and we will definitely use your services again!”

– Kim and Scott D.

“Just wanted to say thank you for the professional and thorough job done. I was surprised by how quickly the trees disappeared. You replaced the fence for the weekend, so my dogs wouldn’t run away and came back to finish the grinding as soon as you could. I really appreciate your work.”

– Regan S

“We would like to thank you for your quick response in coming out to cut down our tree. Having the tree fall like it did on our neighbour’s tree was upsetting to say the least. So everyone, including our neighbour, was grateful to have it all taken away so quickly. Your work was professional, accurate and organized.”

– Susan H.

“I really appreciate the fast and courteous service and your expertise.”

– Sylvain L.

“Thank you for your services. We can see a big difference not only in how much nicer the tree looks, but in how much healthier it seems to be. We appreciate your efforts on our behalf.”

– Terri E.

Tree Removal

Tree Removal Service in Ottawa

At Campbell Tree Experts Inc., we advise against tree removals unless it’s indispensable, as dangerous situations can arise when damage or decay has occurred. If you require a professional tree removal service in Ottawa, contact Campbell Tree Experts Inc.


We are the preferred tree removal company in Ottawa. Our experienced and trained tree removal professionals excel in storm damage recovery and handling emergencies to prevent the risk of injuring people or damaging property.


In addition, you can count on us for stump grinding, cabling and bracing, among other tree services in Ottawa. Don’t hesitate to contact us for more information.

Do You Have a Dangerous Tree?

At Campbell Tree Experts Inc., we acknowledge and promote the growth of healthy trees. However, there are situations when trees in and around your property can present a hazard.


We recommend you consult with a certified arborist before removing the tree. You can consider the following points to see whether you have a dangerous tree:

  • Are there large dead or detached branches?

  • Do you see cavities along the trunk or within major branches?

  • Does your tree exhibit mushrooms and conks at the base?

  • Do you see cracks or splits in the trunk of the tree?

  • Have nearby trees fallen or died?

  • Is the trunk of your tree leaning?

  • Does it have many branches coming from one spot on its trunk?

  • Have damaged tree roots from digging, trenching, sidewalk repair, etc.?

  • Are there any recent constructions, changes in the soil level, or landscape installations?

  • Is the tree heavily pruned or topped?

Managing Hazardous Trees in Ottawa

Our ISA-certified arborists at Campbell Tree Experts Inc. will assist in overseeing your property and offer solutions to minimize risk while safeguarding the health of your trees. We may recommend one or more options:

  • Pruning: Removal of the decayed or damaged branches. Keep in mind that improper pruning can weaken the tree. You should use professionals like those at Campbell Tree Experts Inc.

  • Cabling and bracing: It supports weak branches and stems, increasing strength and stability.

  • Routine care: Your trees need routine care such as water, fertilizer (in some cases), mulch, and pruning (as dictated by the season and your tree’s structure.

  • Removal: This may be the only option for a hazardous tree threatening people and property. Campbell Tree Experts Inc. suggests planting a tree as a replacement in an appropriate area.

Identifying tree hazards will not only enhance the safety of your property and that of your neighbours but may also improve your tree’s health and longevity! Contact us for more information about tree removal and other associated services.

What to consider before removing a tree?

Depending on where you live, you will need to contact Ottawa Hydro or Hydro One to obtain line clearance for the safety of workers (10’ clearance needed from primary lines)

Obtaining proper permits such as the City of Ottawa Distinctive Tree Permit, road encroachment, and closure permits if needed (extra charges apply)


Traffic control following Book 7 for the safety of workers and pedestrians


Also, EAB (Emerald Ash Borer) infested wood needs to follow the CFIA (Canadian Food and Inspection Agency) guidelines and regulations.

Signs for Tree Removal in Ottawa

You can detect the following signals for tree removal to avoid possible tree accidents.

  • A damaged tree. 

  • A diseased tree. 

  • Dead trees. 

  • Dangerous trees. 

Our certified tree experts are committed to serving you better. Call us for your next tree removal project, and we can address it!

The Importance of Prompt Tree Removal

Prompt tree removal is crucial for maintaining the safety and integrity of your property. While trees offer numerous benefits, including shade, beauty, and habitat for wildlife, they can also pose serious hazards when they become damaged, diseased, or unstable. Here are some key reasons why prompt tree removal is essential:

  1. Prevent property damage and injury
    Dead, diseased, or damaged trees are more likely to lose branches or topple over, posing a significant risk to nearby structures, vehicles, and individuals. Prompt tree removal in Ottawa helps prevent accidents and injuries caused by falling limbs or entire trees, protecting both your property and the safety of your family, neighbours, and passersby.
  2. Mitigate liability risks
    As a property owner, you have a legal responsibility to maintain safe conditions on your premises. Neglecting to address hazardous trees could result in liability issues if someone is injured or property is damaged as a result of a falling tree or limb. By promptly removing dangerous trees, you reduce the risk of potential legal consequences and liability claims.
  3. Preserve landscape aesthetics
    Beyond safety concerns, diseased or dying trees can detract from the beauty and appeal of your landscape. Prompt tree removal in Ottawa allows you to maintain the visual integrity of your property, enhancing its curb appeal and overall aesthetics. With unsightly or hazardous trees removed, you can create a more inviting and attractive outdoor environment for yourself and others to enjoy. Contact us to elevate your backyard aesthetics with our tree removal services in Ottawa.
  4. Prevent the spread of disease and pests
    Diseased or infested trees can serve as breeding grounds for harmful pests and pathogens, posing a threat to nearby vegetation. Promptly removing infected trees helps prevent the spread of disease and pests to healthy trees, preserving the overall health and vitality of your landscape. Additionally, removing diseased trees can help contain the spread of contagious diseases, protecting neighbouring trees and ecosystems.
  5. Promote new growth and regeneration
    Removing old or unhealthy trees creates space for new growth and regeneration, allowing younger, healthier trees to thrive and flourish. By eliminating overcrowded or diseased trees, you create opportunities for sunlight, water, and nutrients to reach other plants, promoting a more vibrant and resilient ecosystem on your property.

The Tree Removal Process

The tree removal process involves several steps to ensure the safe and efficient removal of the tree while minimizing impact on the surrounding environment. Here’s an overview of the typical tree removal process:

  1. Assessment and planning
    Before any work begins, a certified arborist will assess the tree’s health, size, location, and potential hazards. Based on this assessment, a plan is developed for safely removing the tree, taking into account factors such as nearby structures, utility lines, and vegetation.
  2. Tree felling or climbing
    Depending on the tree’s size and location, it may be felled using specialized equipment or climbed by trained arborists using ropes and harnesses. Careful cuts are made to control the tree’s direction of fall and minimize damage to surrounding property.
  3. Limbing and bucking
    Once the tree is on the ground, branches (limbs) are removed, followed by cutting the trunk into manageable sections (bucking). This process requires skill and precision to safely remove limbs and sections of the tree without causing damage to nearby structures or injuring workers.
  4. Stump removal
    After the tree is down, the stump and remaining roots are usually removed using stump grinding equipment. Stump grinding involves mechanically grinding the stump and roots into wood chips, leaving the area ready for replanting or landscaping.
  5. Cleanup and disposal
    Finally, debris is cleared away, and the site is thoroughly cleaned to remove any remaining branches, wood chips, or other debris. Depending on the agreement with the tree removal service, the wood chips and other organic materials may be hauled away or left on-site for use as mulch or compost.

By following these steps, tree removal professionals ensure that the process is carried out safely, efficiently, and with minimal disruption to the surrounding environment. If you have a tree on your property that requires removal, it’s essential to enlist the services of our qualified professionals to ensure the job is done safely and correctly.


If you wait until the tree is fully mature, a larger cut may be needed, and your tree may have difficulty closing. 

Hassle-free Tree Removal

Seeking top-notch tree care? We guarantee no damage to your property throughout the job.